Sunday, 9 September 2007

D&AD New Blood

I forgot to mention my visit to the D&AD Blood Exhibition! I went to visit it around the beginning of summer (the last week of June, if I remember correctly) at Old Billingsgate in London; was quite inspiring browsing around everything from advertising to illustration to packaging, etc. Looking around graduates’ work gave me a taste of what I would be doing/ what like to do in a couple of years, after my year out in industry.

I was a bit taken aback by this particular piece of work above (the top 3 images) because it closely resembled my own work (the bottom 3 images). I can’t remember the name of the student or which university he or she was from, but the brief was a D&AD one advertising Puma and its performance fashion. It seems like our concepts/ thinking were quite similar in terms of incorporating the vibrant Puma figures in the surrounding environment. While the other students’ figures were more stylish and placed around Leicister Square in London, I designed mine in such a way that they actively interacted with glass features of key buildings around the city.

It’s interesting how people have similar concepts, but portray them differently...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

whoa, that's so crazy! the concepts are so similar...