Tuesday 30 September 2008

The Times

I've seen these Times ads around the underground several times, but I couldn't understand what they were trying to convey. The top one is of Barack Obama while the bottom one is a boy in swimming trunks.

Apparently this new campaign for The Times has been quite successful. The Times said:

"The purpose of the campaign has been to encourage readers to question and challenge, to think again about our times and to think again about The Times. The same rationale was behind the decision to drop the end line, Join The Debate. The paper wants its readers to make up their own minds about what the paper means to them."

The same day this campaign was revealed however, so were ads by The Times competitor: The Independent.

Using exactly the same layout to counteract The Times' campaign, "Ahead Of The Times" was The Independent's tag line. The Independent said:

"The Independent has always had a reputation for innovation and quick thinking and these adverts are another example of that."

The fight for better/ quicker advertising..!

Monday 22 September 2008

Art on the Underground

I spent the weekend in London, and every time I traveled by tube, I noticed one of these striking and thought- provoking messages. What are they all about??

Apparently artist, Anna Barriball, has selected a number of evocative phrases taken from the back of found photographs and printed them in London Underground’s classic New Johnston font as six black and white posters.

"The texts are designed to adopt the distinct identity of the network, presenting domestic messages that work in an interesting contrast to the operational environment of the Tube."

Sunday 14 September 2008

Vote for Obama!

I was recently invited to attend the presidential inauguration in Washington D.C. in January 2009 as part of my participation with the Global Young Leader's Conference since high school. As a result of this, I've been religiously following the presidential elections and am greatly in favor for Democratic Barrack Obama - change is essential.

I thought these pins were a lighthearted, humorous way of showing loyal unity within the different people of America.

October 23rd, 2008:

Although change is what America needs, I don't believe they are ready for a 'black' leader, as disgraceful as that may sound.

I'm not sure whether I'll be able to attend the inauguration in January, but it'll be history in the making if Obama wins!

Tuesday 2 September 2008


I think this concept is great. Everyone gets chicken, beef, and pork stuck in their teeth after a meal (unless they're a vegetarian..) -- reach for it! Notice how the animals (made out of clay material?) form teeth.

Monday 1 September 2008


Grey Amsterdam's use of media here is so viable.

Advertising for the Keep Holland Clean Foundation, the tag line reads:

Don't turn the bus into a garbage truck.
It's just as easy to throw your trash in the waste bin.

So true. We always take garbage men for granted, when sometimes it just doesn't hurt to pick up after yourself. I wonder if there is any work to support this idea on the inside of the bus?